«Тахиййат»: Сборник статей в честь Н. Н. Дьякова

m 136 n John Masson Smith, Jr. time, indicating they led tümens — the Right had only two, but the Right had five (plus some auxiliaries) 2 . The tümens were arrayed in some depth: “[The Mongols] were organized as squadrons ( atlaban ) in [the attack] and followed one another as groups...” 3 But their very large numbers had to be spread out over a long distance — a front of some 15 miles, apparently with gaps, including a major one between the Center and the Right. The Right Wing pursued the rem- nants of the routed Mamluk Left for a considerable distance, losing contact with the Center, and then stopped, probably having exhausting its ponies, and waited to be rejoined by the rest of the Mongols, who had meanwhile been defeated. 1 E. Herzfeld, Geschichte der Stadt Samarra (Hamburg: Eckardt & Messtorff, 1948), pl. XXIIIb. 2 Amitai, Mongols and Mamluks , 190–95, with a diagram of the units on 192, fig. 1. 3 Ibid., 222, quoting Baybars al-Mansuri; see also p. 195–99, esp. 197. Fig. 5. Aerial photo of the Samarra “Racetrack” 1