«Тахиййат»: Сборник статей в честь Н. Н. Дьякова

Piri Reis’s Greek and Arabic Influences in his Сhart and Map Drawing for the Ottoman Empire m 167 n contrary we know with every certainty about the large number of the Greek sailors and technicians who were occupied with the construction and repair of ships in Kallipolis Shipyards 1 . The extending of the sea borders of the Ottoman Empire created the need for the formation of a powerful fleet, so as to ensure the unhindered passage of the mercantile marine, the protection of the inhabitants and the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire 2 . For those reasons Sultan Beyazid (Yıldırım) gave orders to Saruca Paşa to build a shipyard in the city. This shipyard was the first big shipyard of the Ottoman Empire, and initially there were constructed sixty ships there 3 . The Ottomans relied on the Greek element in the field of ships construction know- how 4 . In order to acquire naval power the Ottoman state turned to the pirates, such as Barbaros Hayreddin, Turgut Reis, Kurdoğlou Muslihiddin, Kemal Reis, Hizir Reis, Burak Reis and others 5 . Pirates such as Barbaros Hayreddin caused horror and terror to the inhabitants of the Aegean 6 . Nevertheless, the definition of piracy differed among the Ottoman population, and in various Ottoman poetic texts it was associated with the meaning of the experienced mariner, while Deruni even draws parallels between the pirates of his age and Noa of the Old Testament 7 . In such environment Piri Reis reached manhood, environment that stimu- lated his first, instinctive, contact with the aquatic element. As characteristi- cally Ibn Kemal put it: “The children who grew up in Gelibolu, grow up in the water as crocodiles do. Their cradles are the ships. They sleep in the evening and rise in the morning with the noise of ships” 8 . The development of the Ottoman fleet and the development of cartography follow parallel courses. It is characteristic that cartography developed in the Ot- toman Empire, especially from 1354 when Kallipolis came to the hands of the Ottomans, coincides chronologically with the construction of fleet. From the geographic work of Piri Reis tree works are extant; chronologically they are lo- cated in the period between 1481–1528. The first work is theWorldAtlas (1513), an offprint of it is preserved where the south and west coastlines of theAmerican 1 Inalçik H. Gelibolu // Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leyde — Paris, 1965. Vol. II, p. 1007. 2 Afetinan A. Piri reis’in hayatı ve eserleri. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1974. P. 5. 3 Piri Reis’ in yaşamı, yapıtları ve bahriyesinden seçmeler. Ed. Bülent Aksaray, C.Ülkekul, Ayse Hande Can. İstanbul: Piri Reis Araştırma Merkezi, 2007. V. 7. P. 4. 4 Ülkekul C. XVI Denizci bir Bilimadamı Yaşamı ve Yapıtlarıyla Piri Reis. İstanbul: An- kara Deniz İkmal Grup Komuntalığı, 2007. Vol. 1. P. 4. 5 Afetinan A. Op.cit. P. 5. 6 Sfyroeras V. Τα ελληνικά πληρώματα του τουρκικού στόλου. Athens, 1968. P. 24. 7 Tuncay T. Osmanlı Şiirinde Gemicilik Terimleri. Non published post-graduated study. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili ve Edebıyati Anabilim Dalı. İstanbul, 2008. P. 64. 8 Afetinan A. Op.cit. P. 9.