«Тахиййат»: Сборник статей в честь Н. Н. Дьякова

Wadi Halfa: Bride of the Nile m 37 n Societies around the World 1 . This is an important factor in the image of Nubia in the world. It would be useful for the Cultural Centre to examine this thesis and to explore how it might be applied more widely. Project D: Monotheistic Tendencies in Ancient Nubia Why were there so many Amarna sites (about 1350 B.C.) in ancient Nu- bia? It has been debated whether Queen Nefertiti and Pharaoh Akhenaten were professing a genuine belief in monotheism (God is one); however, if so, then this seems to be the earliest time in history with contemporary records on monotheism. There were a large number of these “Amarna” records and mon- uments in Nubia. Why was this? Did the Nubians themselves have a creative role? Even though there may be no sure answers, it is worth considering in terms of the Nubian contribution to early civilization. Further research ques- tions include the following: Why did Nefertiti and Akhenaten have a temple at Sesebi ( Séesebii ) just north of the Third Cataract? Did they ever watch the sun rise from the nearby mountain top ( Jébel Séesee )? Why did the Nubian kings before 1820 come to this hilltop to watch the rising sun as part of their 1 Fernea (2004). P. 105–21. The author, Ré Phillips, considering the view from Jébel Séesee