6th International Symposium Oriental Studies

51 The 6 th International Symposium on Oriental Ancient Documents Studies Badma Menyaev The Oirat Woodcuts from the Private Collection Hotol-tuges Dedicated to the Cult of Buddha Amitayus For decades the families of the Oirat Mongol city Smoking carefully preserved ancient scrolls of the sacred books, of which there were many. Today, in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region of China, there are about 100 families, which keep the Oirat manuscripts. An interesting fact is that these ancient manuscripts are copied and read in the homes of believers on the days of religious and family holidays. Thus, among the Oirats of China preserved book culture of Oirats, which dates back for nearly four centuries. The article is devoted to one of the book collections owned by Basargin temper, an expert on the book culture of the Oirats and Oirat scribe books. The article describes the book collection and modern book explores the culture of the Oirats. Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке проекта РГНФ № 16-04-00281 «Частные коллекции калмыцких (ойратских) рукописей в России и Китае (по материалам археографических экспедиций 2012– 2014 гг.)». Key words: the Oirat Mongols, Oirats in China, written manuscripts, book collections.