Khronopulo Liala
Associate Professor

- St.Petersburg
- 199034
- Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11
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- 2002: B.A., Japanese Philology
- 2004: M.A., Japanese Philology
- 2007: Ph.D., Japanese Philology, Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Department of Japanese Philology (since 2008 renamed: Department of Japanese Studies). Advisor: Ph.D., Professor Rybin Victor V. Thesis: Imperative Semantics In Contemporary Japanese.
Current research and teaching interests:
- Medieval, modern and contemporary Japanese literature;
- Postmodernism in the literatures of East and West;
- Intertextuality and allusions in the literary works of Japanese writers of the end of the XXth – beginning of the XXIst centuries;
- Japanese women writing;
- Comparative literature;
- Theoretical grammar of the Japanese language;
- Problems of translation.
- September 2002 – June 2004: Teaching assistant
- September 2004 – June 2010: Assistant professor
- June 2010 – present: Associate professor, Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Department of Japanese Studies.
Courses taught:
- History of the Japanese literature (literary periods, movements, genres, and authors;
- literature’s social and political contexts etc.);
- Women writing and joryū bungaku in Japan;
- The Japanese short story writers of the end of the XXth – beginning of the XXIst centuries;
- Poetics and aesthetics in Japanese literature (with a review of its relations to traditional arts in Japan);
- Postmodern Japanese literature;
- The Japanese literature after Meiji Ishin (Meiji Restoration) with a perspective on the world literary process;
- Seminar on reading and translating of contemporary Japanese literature;
- Writing letters in Japanese;
- The grammar of modality.
List of the most important publications (papers, articles, chapters of collective monographs, textbooks in Russian)
Academic publications in Russian and in English:
- Secret Fears of the Heian Woman (Basing on Diaries of the Heian Epoch) // In: Research Papers on Men and Women Behavior Strategy. Saint Petersburg, 2004. Pp. 252-258.
- Imperative in the Japanese Language: A Question of Semantics // In: Countries of the Far East: History, Economics, and Philology. Moscow, 2004. Pp. 215.
- On Some Lexical Problems of Translation from Japanese into Russian and vs. // In: Reports of the XXXVth International Conference on Philology. Saint Petersburg, 2006. Pp. 25-28.
- Forms -te kureru ka, -te moraeru ka and Their Variants in Contemporary Japanese Language // in: Philological Researches on Eastern Studies, № 27. Saint Petersburg, 2006. Pp. 121-126.
- Present Tense Form of the Japanese Verbs in the Imperative Use // In: Asian and African Studies in the Universities of Saint Petersburg, Russia and Europe: Actual Problems and Perspectives. Reports and Materials of the Symposium. Saint Petersburg, 2008. Pp. 328-335.
- “Upside-Down World” in “Bokko-chan”, the Book of Stories by Hoshi Shinichi // In: Bulletin of Saint Petersburg State University, № 1, 2009. Pp. 102-106.
- “Lost” Heroes in Japanese Stories of the End of the XXth – Beginning of the XXIst Centuries // In: Bulletin of Saint Petersburg State University, № 3, 2009. Pp. 108-112.
- Khronopulo L., Ermolaeva L., Kiknadze D. Typological Similarity of the Cartvelian Languages and Japanese // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Science, the Society of Researchers of the Eastern Languages, № 17. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 131-138.
- Optative Sentences with the Imperative Form of Verb in Japanese // In: Bulletin of Saint Petersburg State University, № 3, 2010. Pp. 114-119.
- The Book of Stories by Ekuni Kaori “It Is Not Safe Or Suitable to Swim” // In: Problems of Japanology. Research Papers and Materials of the Conference. Saint Petersburg, 2010. Pp. 329-347.
- Women Characters of the Japanese Prose of the End of the XXth – Beginning of the XXIst Centuries // in: Reports and Materials of the IVth International Conference “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”. Vol. 3. Saint Petersburg, 2010. Pp. 151-159.
- The Japanese Literature // In: Asian and African Studies. Collective Monograph. Saint Petersburg, 2011. Pp. 123-130.
- Short Stories of Akagawa Jirō // In: Modernization and Tradition: the XXXVIth International Conference on Source Studies and Historiography of Asia and Africa. Abstracts of Papers. Saint Petersburg, 2011. Pp. 400-401.
- The Japanese Language // In: Grammar and Semantics of the Eastern Text: Quantitative Characteristics. Collective monograph. Saint Petersburg, 2011. Pp. 178-188.
- Japanese Verbs and Nouns // In: Theoretical Grammar of Asian Languages. Collective monograph. Saint Petersburg, 2011. Pp. 129-140; pp. 375-393.
- Fairy Tale Intertext and Allusions on Japanese and World Folklore and Mythology in the Novel of Otsu Ichi “Ishinome” // In: Japanese Studies Today: Society, Culture, and Language. Reports and Materials of the Conference. Saint Petersburg, 2012. Pp. 396-406.
- The Problem of Social Isolation in Japanese Literature of the End of the XXth – Beginning of the XXIst Centuries // In: Proceedings and Materials of the Vth International Conference “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”. Vol. 3. Saint Petersburg, 2012. Pp. 291-299.
- Illusions and Allusions in Literary Works of Contemporary Japanese Writer Atōda Takashi // In: Local Heritage and Global Perspective. “Traditionalism” and “Revolutionism” in the East. The XXVII International Conference on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa. Saint Petersburg, 2013. Pp. 337-338.
- The Doppelgänger: Doubles in Contemporary Japanese Prose // in: Proceedings and Materials of the VIth International Conference “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”. Saint Petersburg, 2014. Pp. 302-310.
- Modernism in Japanese Literature // Modernism in Asian and African Literatures. Collective Monograph. Saint Petersburg, 2014. Pp. 270-298.
- Short-Short Stories in the Creative Activity of Contemporary Japanese Writers Akagawa Jirō and Atōda Takashi // in: Bulletin of Saint Petersburg State University, №1,2015. Pp. 81-90.
- The Problem of Suicide and Double Suicide in Contemporary Japanese Literature // in: Bulletin of Saint Petersburg State University,№ 2, 2016. Pp. 74-81. (Language: English)
- Otherworldly Forces and Mythical Creatures in Contemporary Japanese Literature // in: Proceedings and Materials of the VIIth International Conference “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”. Saint Petersburg, 2016. Pp. 318-322.
- Imagination as an Artistic Method and a Source of the Plots in Shōto Shōto Short Stories of Contemporary Japanese Writers Akagawa Jirō and Atōda Takashi // in: Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. Pp. 119-128. (Language: English)
- The Japanese Grammar Textbook. Saint Petersburg, 2018. 160 p.
Publications intended for a general audience in Russian:
- The Japanese Poet Matsuo Basho and His Creative Activity // in: Vsemirnyj Sledopyt Cultural Journal, № 16. Saint Petersburg, 2005. Pp. 44-51.
- Ishida Ira. The Star Made of Foil [Translation of the story by contemporary Japanese writer Ishida Ira from Japanese into Russian] // In: Foreign Literature (Journal), № 2, 2012. Pp. 143-148.
International Grants and Fellowships:
- September–December 2005: Participant of the Japanese-Language Program for Researchers and Postgraduate Students in the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai.
- September 2008 – March 2009: Participant of the Long-Term Training Program for Foreign Teachers of the Japanese Language in the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa.
- July–August 2013: Participant of the Short-Term Training Program for Foreign Teachers of the Japanese Language (Summer Course) in the Japan Foundation Japanese- Language Institute, Urawa
- October 2016: Visiting Professor, Osaka City University, Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences.
Skills and Qualifications:
- Fluent in: English, Japanese;
- Read and write with vocabulary, understand and can sustain most discussions on familiar matters: Spanish, French.