16 – 18 April 2025 The 33rd biennial International Congress on Source Study and Historiography of Asia and Africa will be held at Saint Petersburg University from 16 – 18 April 2025. Conference panels: The Book in Oriental History and Culture. International Session on Arabic Studies: Historiography and Source Studies of the Arab Countries (organized together with Yerevan State University). Iranian and Afghan Studies. Turkic Studies: “XXV Professor Ivanov’s Readings” (History, Culture, Literature, Language of Turkic Peoples). Historiography and Source Studies of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Kurdish Studies. Historiography and Source Studies of Southeast Asia. Historiography and…
St Petersburg University has hosted a roundtable discussion "Elections in Türkiye and Regional Security", organised by the Centre for Contemporary Turkish Studies and Russia-Türkiye Relations at St Petersburg University together with the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN). The experts have discussed the current political situation in Türkiye and the Middle East region, as well as the prospects for its development in view of the changing geopolitical environment. Having developed rapidly in recent decades, Türkiye today proclaims itself as one of the centres of the global political system. Vladimir Avatkov, Head of the Department of Middle and Post-Soviet East at the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION…
Readings to commemorate Professor Boris Melnichenko and Assistant Professor Sergei Trifonov, major scholars who worked in the field of Thai studies, have opened at St Petersburg University. The event is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Thailand. A great contribution to the study of these relations was made by St Petersburg University Professor Boris Melnichenko (1935–2018) and Assistant Professor Sergei Trifonov (1960–2019). Mikhail Ignatev, a doctoral student of St Petersburg University, teacher of the history of Thailand and the Thai language, acted as a moderator at the opening and during the sessions. Evgeny Tomikhin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of Thailand, delivered a welcoming address. He noted that, as a graduate of the sinology department of St Petersburg University, he was especially…
SPbU has hosted the XIII International scientific conference "Eurasian arc of instability and problems of regional security from Eastern Europe to North Africa: 2022 outcomes". Leading Russian scientists and experts discussed a wide range of factors influencing security systems of key regions along the Eurasian arc of instability. Sergey Andryushin, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of St Petersburg University, delivered a welcoming speech. At this conference every year we discuss problems in international relations and security. I would like to thank our partners from other universities and research institutions that each year help us in organizing the conference.Sergey Andryushin, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of SPbU Aleksandr Drozdenko, Governor of the Leningrad Region, addressed participants of the conference. ‘Within present situation topics…
“Readings in memory of B. N. Melnichenko and S. E. Trifonov” is the title of Russia’s first international scientific conference of Thai and Laotian Scholars. The Readings provide a rare opportunity for its participants to share the results of their researches on the languages, history, politics and culture of Thailand and Laos. Programme The idea to hold the Readings was inspired by the sincere desire of the organizers to honor the memory of outstanding Soviet and Russian orientalists - Boris Nikolaevich Melnichenko (1935–2018) and Sergey Evgenievich Trifonov (1960–2019). The contribution these scholars have made to the Thai Studies in Russia,…
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