The XXXIII International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa: “Commemorating 170th Anniversary of the Faculty of Oriental Studies in Saint-Petersburg University”
16 – 18 April 2025
The 33rd biennial International Congress on Source Study and Historiography of Asia and Africa will be held at Saint Petersburg University from 16 – 18 April 2025.
Conference panels:
- The Book in Oriental History and Culture.
- International Session on Arabic Studies: Historiography and Source Studies of the Arab Countries (organized together with Yerevan State University).
- Iranian and Afghan Studies.
- Turkic Studies: “XXV Professor Ivanov’s Readings” (History, Culture, Literature, Language of Turkic Peoples).
- Historiography and Source Studies of the Caucasus and Central Asia.
- Kurdish Studies.
- Historiography and Source Studies of Southeast Asia.
- Historiography and Source Studies of India.
- Historiography and Source Studies of China.
- Historiography and Source Studies of Japan.
- Historiography and Source Studies of Korea.
- Historiography and Source Studies of Mongolia, Tibet and Buddhism.
- African Studies: “In memoriam of D.A. Olderogge”.
- Historiography and Source Studies of the Ancient Near East.
- Literatures of Asia and Africa.
- Languages of Asia and Africa.
- Workshop of Young Scholars in Asian and African Studies.
- Round table discussion: “Historiography and Source Studies of Islam in Russia”.
- Round table discussion: “Russia and the East: the current state of the Arch of Instability on the Rim of Eurasia and North Africa”.
- Round table discussion: “Traditionalism in the modern states of Asia and Africa”.
- Round table discussion: “Intellectual History of Asia: People, Destinies, Ideas”.
- Round table discussion: “Russian Sinologists and Chinese Book Collections in Russian libraries”.
Working languages of the Congress: Russian and English.
Time limit for presentation: 20 minutes.
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 January 2025.
Abstracts should not exceed 800 words and should be attached to the Registration form in MS Word doc/rtf format (no pdf, please!). Allowing some 800 words for the abstract, this would enable the author to provide a detailed synopsis of the paper, with main points discussed and major findings described in reasonable detail, with some references if necessary.
The Proceedings will be published online prior to the conference.
Conference fee: 1000 RUR.
Those who wish to participate in the Congress should fill in an on-line application form, which will be accessible here after 15 December 2024. Applicants will be informed on the outcome of their applications before 20 February 2025.
From 20 February till 15 March 2025 the participants whose papers are accepted, should pay the Conference Fee online (the relevant link will be activated on the Congress website after 20 February 2025).
We regret to inform you that the Organizing Committee is unable to cover your travel and accommodation costs.
You are kindly advised to check the Congress website for further information including the Congress Programme.
Should you have any query please contact the Organizing Committee of the Congress
- Applications and registration, other administrative questions, programme – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Angelika Pobedonostseva-Kaya)
- Invitations, visa support, accommodation:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Anastasia Borisova) - Abstracts/ Proceedings publication: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Alexander Matveev)
Tel./fax: (+7812) 328-77-32.
Address: Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Saint Petersburg State University; Universitetskaya emb., 11, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia.
- Category: Conferences
- Hits: 396