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Department of Indian Philology

Tuesday, 27 December 2016 20:11
(37 votes)
Department of Indian Philology © FAAS

The Head of the Department: Chelnokova Anna V.

Languages taught:

  • Avadhi, Bengali, Braj, Hindi, Marathi, Oriya, Pali, Punjabi, Prakrit, Sanskrit, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.


  • Bengali Poetry
  • Classical Sanskrit Texts and Epics
  • Comparative and Historical Grammar of Indo-Aryan Languages
  • Comparative Grammar of Dravidian Languages
  • Hindi Language and Literature
  • History of Ancient Indian Literature
  • History of Bengali Literature
  • Indian Mythology
  • Introduction to Dravidian Studies
  • Introduction to Traditional Sanskrit Grammar
  • Medieval Hindi Poetry
  • Medieval Telugu Poetry
  • Modern Hindi Literature
  • Pali Grammar
  • Pali Language
  • Sanskrit Grammar and Texts,
  • Sanskrit Language and Literature
  • Sanskrit Poetics
  • Telugu Language and Literature
  • Telugu Folk Epics
  • Urdu Language and Literature
  • Vedic Sanskrit (Grammar and Analytical Reading).

The Department of Indian Philology (originally the Department of Sanskrit, in 1944-1949 – the Department of Indo-Tibetan Philology) was founded in 1858 under the chairmanship of Prof. K. Kossovich, one of the first Russian Sanskritologists. In the second half of the 19 century – early 20 century, research and language instruction in Sanskrit and Pali at the University were carried out by Prof. I. P. Minaev and later Prof. F. I. Shcherbatskoy, Prof. D. Kudryavsky, and Prof. N. Mironov.

In the 1920s, for the first time in Russia, systematic study and teaching of New Indo-Aryan languages began at the University, spearheaded by Academician A.P. Barannikov, who led the Department until 1952. A. P. Barannikov and his colleagues at the Department – V. M. Beskrovny, V. Krasnodembsky, B. A. Novikova, and D. Datta – began to teach Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, and Bengali.

After Academician A. P. Barannikov, the Department was led by Prof. V. A. Novikova (in 1952-1972), Assoc. Prof. V. I. Balin (in 1972-1991), Prof. V. G. Erman (in 1991-1995), Assoc. Prof. T. I. Oranskaya (in 1995-1999). In this period, the faculty included such notable philologists as V. Vorobyev-Desyatovsky, T. E. Katenina, S. G. Rudin, and G. A. Zograf. Along with specializations in Hindi philology, Urdu, and Bengali philology, which were traditionally taught at the Department, new programmes were re-opened or became available for the first time: Marathi Philology, Telugu, Tamil Philology and Sanskritology.

Current faculty are: E. K. Brosalina, Yu. G. Kokova, T. P. Selivanova, S. O. Tsvetkova, S. S. Tavastsherna, D. V. Soboleva, A. V. Chelnokova, and E. A. Kostina.

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