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Department for Theory and Methods of Training in Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa

Wednesday, 11 January 2017 19:10
(6 votes)
Department for Theory and Methods of Training in Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa © FAAS

The Head of the Department: Emelchenkova Elena N.


  • Linguistics of Asian and African Countries (MA, PhD)
  • Literature of Asian and African Countries (MA, PhD)

The Department is responsible for the following courses:

  • Current trends in Asian and African studies (co-responsible with the Department for Theoretical Studies in Social Processes in Asia and Africa)
  • Theoretical morphology
  • Theoretical syntax
  • Theoretical semantics
  • Elements of cultural and political anthropology
  • Anthropological linguistics
  • Introduction into linguistic geography

The Department was founded in 2006. Along with the Department for Theoretical Studies in Social Processes in Asia and Africa, it is responsible for providing graduate students with a general theoretical background in Asian and African studies (with a primary focus on linguistics, literary criticism, and cultural studies).

From the time of its inception, the Department offers a theoretical seminar that enables Master’s and PhD students to exchange their views on the challenges they face in preparing their theses and to seek advice of senior colleagues.

Together with the Faculty Commission on Methods of Training, the Department is responsible for developing methods of teaching languages, literatures, and cultures of Asia and Africa.

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