Frantsouzoff Serge A.

- St.Petersburg
- 199034
- Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11
- +7 (921) 649-5203
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Russian (native),
- French (fluent),
- English (fluent),
- German (reading and translation),
- Arabic (reading, translation and limited conversation),
- Hebrew (reading and translation),
- Classical Ethiopic or Ge‘ez (reading and translation)
Education (Diplomæ):
- 1980–1985: Full course of the speciality Orientalist & Historian (History of the Arab Countries); Honours Diploma of higher education IV n° 927145 issued by Leningrad State Univerity (USSR) on June 28, 1985.
- 11.1991: PhD thesis in history The History of Hadramawt in the early Middle Ages; PhD diploma in history (Diploma of the “Candidate of Historical Sciences”) KD n°031399 issued on behalf of the Supreme Certifying Committee attached to the USSR Council of Ministers on February 27, 1991 in Moscow.
- 10.2010: Habilitation thesis in history The Society and State in ancient Hadramawt (early 1st millennium BC – mid-1st millennium AD; Habilitation Dr. diploma in history (Diploma of the “Doctor of Historical Sciences”) DDN n° 016710 issued on behalf of the Supreme Certifying Committee attached to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation on April 15, 2011 in Moscow.
Professional positions:
- 15.09.1986: Librarian in the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad.
- 01.08.1990: Inspector in the Customs office of the International airport Pulkovo-2, Leningrad.
- 15.05.1992: Member of the technical staff in the Petersburg (formerly – Leningrad) Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian (formerly – USSR) Academy of Sciences.
- 01.06.1996: Assistant Researcher in the Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 08.06.1998: Researcher in the Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 08.06.1998–15.04.2011: Senior Researcher in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (since 01.07.2009 – the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 15.04.2011–28.05.2012: Leading Researcher in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 28.05.2012–31.12.2015: Head of the Sector of Near Eastern Studies of the the Department of Near and Middle Eastern in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Since 09.10.2013: Head of the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Studies in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Since 01.09.2011: Professor of the Chair of Semitology and Hebrew Studies of the Faculty of Orinetal Studies at the St. Petersburg State University.
Awards and honours:
- Medal of Macarius of Moscow awarded by the Russian Orthodox Church (the Moscow Patriarchate) on March 3, 2007 in Moscow for having written articles in the Orthodox Encylopaedia.
Participation in Archaeological Missions:
- November–December 2004, November–December 2005, November 2007, November 2008: Epigraphist of the Russian Arachaeological Mission in the Republic of Yemen in the course of the excavations of the temples of the god Siyân (Raybûn VI, Hadramawt) and the goddess Dhât Himyam (Raybûn VI, Hadramawt), of the site of Hajra (island of Socotra).
Research interests:
- Epigraphy and history of pre-Islamic Yemen, Ethiopian and Christian Arabic manuscript traditions, History of medieval Yemen and Ethiopia
- Classical Ethiopic (Ge‘ez) Language
- Classical Arabic Language
- History of Ancient and Medieval Ethiopia
- Introduction into Sabaean Studies
- Introduction into Quranic Studies
- History of the Near and Middle East in the Middles Ages
PhD students:
- Ekaterina Gusarova. The King of Ethiopia Takla Giyorgis I: the epoch and his personality (Ethiopian medieval monarchy at the end of the 18th century) (2011–2015, degree obtained in 2015)
- Dina Zaytseva. The unique source on the history of military art in Egypt of the Mamluks (illuminated manuscript C 686 from the collection of the Institute of Oriental Studies (2015-2018)
- Anastasia Stepanova. The Berber tribal confederation Ṣanhādja and his role in the medieval history of the Maghrib (2016-2019)
- Olga Kurova. Sources Studies in the scholarly heritage of the Austrian Orientalist Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (2016-2019)
Publications: about 300
- Serge Frantsouzoff, Raybûn. Ḥaḍrân, temple de la déesse ‘Athtarum/‘Aśtarum (avec une contribution archéologique d’Aleksandr Sedov). Fasc. A: Les documents. Fasc. B: Les planches (Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. Publié par les soins de Christian Robin. T. 5). Paris: Diffusion de Boccard; Rome: Diffusion Herder, 2001. 318 p. + 2 cartes + 1 plan + 7 fig. + pl. A, B 1-2, C 1-2 + 374 pl.
- Serge Frantsouzoff, Ta’rîkh Ḥaḍramawt al-idjtimâ‘î wa’l-siyâsî qubayla’l-islâm wa-ba‘da-hu, al-‘uṣûr al-waṣîta al-mubakkara (al-qarn al-râbi‘ – al-thânî ‘ashara al-mîlâdî). Taqdîm wa-ta‘rîb ‘Abd al-‘Azîz Dja‘far Bin ‘Aqîl (Histoire sociale et politique du Hadramawt au cours du Haut Moyen-Âge (IVe – XIIe siècle de l’ère chrétienne). Introduction et traduction arabe ‘Abd al-‘Azîz Bin ‘Aqîl), Sanaa : Centre Français d’Archéologie et de Sciences Sociales de Sanaa, 2004. 323 + 10p. (in Arabic with a summary in French).
- Serge Frantsouzoff, Raybûn. Kafas/Na‘mân, temple de la déesse Dhât Ḥimyam (avec une contribution archéologique d’A. Sedov et Ju. Vinogradov). Fasc. A: Les documents. Fasc. B: Les planches (Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. Publié par les soins de Christian Robin. T. 6). Paris: Diffusion de Boccard – Rome: Diffusion Herder, 2007. 311 p. + 148 p. (9 fig. + 174 pl.).
- The Arabic Psalter. A supplement to the facsimile edition of Nanuscript A 187 The Petersburg Arabic Illuminated Psalter from the collection of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg Branch), prepared by Val. V. Polossine, N. I. Serikoff et S. A. Frantsouzoff, ed. by N. I. Serikoff. Petersburg; Voronezh: “Kvarta”, 2005. 216 p. (in Russian with an abridged version in English).
- Serge Frantsouzoff, Rajbûn: nadpisi i ljudi (epigraficheskie pamjatniki, religioznaja zhizn’ i sotsial’naja struktura kul’tovogo tsentra drevnego Hadramauta) (Raybûn: its Inscriptions and its Peoples (epigraphic documentsation, religious life and social structure of a cultural center of ancient Hadramawt)). St. Pétersbourg: St. Petersburg University Press, 2009. 217 p. + 63 ill. (in Russian).
- Serge Frantsouzoff, K vostoku ot Adena. Oazis Rajbûn v I tysjacheletii do n.e. (epigraficheskie pamjatniki, religioznaja zhizn’ i sotsial’naja struktura kul’tovogo tsentra drevnego Hadramauta) (East of Aden. The Oasis of Raybûn in the 1st Millennium BC (epigraphic documentsation, religious life and social structure of a cultural center of ancient Hadramawt)). [2nd Edition, revised and enlarged]. St. Pétersbourg : Faculty of Philology of the St. Petersburg State University; Nestor–Istorija, 2012. 224 p. + 133 ill. (in Russian).
- Serge Frantsouzoff, Istorija Khadramauta s drevnejshikh vremen do kontsa britanskogo vladychestva (History of Hadramawt from the Earliest Times up to the End of the British Rule). Т. I: Istorija Khadramauta v epokhu drevnosti (History of Hadramawt in the Antiquity). St. Pétersbourg: Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg, 2014 (Studia Yemenica). 336 p. + 7 cartes.
- Serge Frantsouzoff, Nihm, (avec une contribution de Ch. Robin) (Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques, publié par les soins de Christian Robin. T. 8). Paris: Diffusion De Boccard, 2016. Fasc. A: Les documents. 208 p.; fasc. B: Les planches. 117 p.
- [Review: Walter W. Müller, Frantsouzoff, Serguei. Nihm. Fasc. A: Les Documents. Fasc. B: Les Planches. Paris: Dfiffusion de Boccard 2016. 206/102 S., 117 Abb. 8° = Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques 8. Brosch. € 60,00. ISBN 978-2-87754-330-9 // Orientalische Literaturzeitung. 2015. 110 (6). S. 58–62].
Articles in SCOPUS:
- Serge Frantsouzoff, “Les chiffres coptes dans les manuscripts arabes, chrétiens et musulmans”, Parole de l’Orient, vol. 39: Actes du 9e Congrès International des Études Arabes Chrétiennes (La Valette, Malte, juillet 2012), édités par Samir Khalil Samir, 2014, p. 259–273.
- Serge Frantsouzoff, “On the Dating of the Ethiopian Dynastic Treatise Kǝbra nagaśt: New Evidence”, Scrinium. Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography (Leiden: E.J. Brill), vol. 12, 2016, p. 20–24.
- Serge Frantsouzoff, “Concept of Genetic Transmission of the ‘Essence of Salvation’ in Ethiopian Church and Its Reminiscence in Islam”, Scrinium. Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography, vol. 13, 2017, p. 131–135.