Ignatiev Mikhail A.
Assistant Professor

- St.Petersburg
- 199034
- Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11, Office 167.
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- Russian (native),
- Thai (fluent),
- English (fluent),
- French (reading).
- 2022–2025: PhD Programme in Asian and African History, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU.
- 2020–2022: Master of Asian and African Studies (History of Asian and African Countries), SPbSU.
- 2018–2019: Thai Language Programme, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Bachelor of Asian and African Studies (History of Thailand), Saint-Petersburg State University.
Professional positions:
- Since 2023: Assistant Professor, Department of History of the Far East Countries, St. Petersburg State University:
Research interests:
- History of Thailand,
- Religion and Politics of Thailand,
- Thai Buddhism,
- Translating Thai Literature.
- Geography of Thailand;
- History of Thailand;
- History of Realtions between Thailand and Russia;
- Thai Literature;
- Thai Buddhism;
- Thai Language.
- The Sangha Act of 1902 and its significance in the religious life of Siam at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. // Southeast Asia: Current Problems of Development, 2023, Volume 3, No. 2 (59). P. 271–283. (in Russian)
- Sangha Acts of 1902 and 1941 as the main historical documents about the structure of the Buddhist monastic community of Siam (Thailand) in the first half of the 20th century. // XXXII International Congress on Source Studies and Historiography of Asian and African Countries: Russia and the East. To the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg State University. April 26–28, 2023: Congress materials / Rep. ed.: N. N. Dyakov, A. O. Pobedonostseva Kaya, P. I. Rysakova. St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2023. P. 249–251. (in Russian)
- Sangha Laws by King Rama I of Siam (reigned 1782–1809) // Materials of readings in memory of B. N. Melnichenko and S. E. Trifonov. Collection of articles / rep. ed. A. I. Khabibullina, ed. M. A. Ignatiev, ed. N. Mekratanakulpat - St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2022. P. 38–45. (in Russian)
- Autobiography of Prince Vachirayan: An Illustration of the Religious Life of Siam in the Second Half of the 19th Century. // XXXI International Congress on Source Studies and Historiography of Asian and African Countries: Russia and the East. To the 100th anniversary of political and cultural relations of modern times. June 23–25, 2021: Congress materials / Rep. ed.: N. N. Dyakov, P. I. Rysakova, A. O. Pobedonostseva Kaya. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House Studio "NP-Print", 2021. P. 249–250. (in Russian)
- The Buddhist Council of 1788 and its significance in the social and religious life of Siam at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries. // The ethno-religious factor in political processes in the modern East: a collection of materials from the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists (April 23, 2021) / rep. ed. D. V. Zhigulskaya. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2021. P. 29–31.
- Some Features of the Pronominal System in the Thai language // International scientific conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the beginning of the study of languages of Southeast Asia in our country: Collection of materials (September 15-16, 2020). St. Petersburg, 2020. P. 134–145. (in Russian)