Kolotov Vladimir N.
Doctor of Historical Sciences

- St.Petersburg
- 199034
- Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11
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- Russian (native),
- Vietnemese (fluent),
- English (fluent),
- French (reading),
- Chinese (reading)
- April 2006: Doctor of Historical Sciences (Russian post PhD degree, Habilitation level). Habilitation Thesis “Religious Factor in Local Controlled Conflicts: South Vietnam during Colonization and Indochina Wars (1625–1975)”.
- January 1998: Doctor, PhD in History. PhD Thesis “Religion and Politics in History of South Vietnam in 1945–1963”.
- 1994–1997: Post graduate student.
- 1986–1994: Student, graduated with honors from.
1) Far East History Department and
2) Department of the Chinese Philology
- orientalist-historian,
- orientalist-philologist
Professional positions:
- Since 2010: Director of Ho Chi Minh Institute.
- Since 2007: Professor, Far East History Department, SPbSU.
- Since 2006: Head of the Far East History Department, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU.
- 1999–2005: Associate Professor Director, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU.
- 1998–1999: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU.
Awards and honours
- 2012: Friendship Order (Vietnam).
- 2011 Medal for Outstanding contribution to Social Sciences of Vietnam by Academy of Social Sciences of Vietnam.
Professional and social activities:
- Since 2011: Member of Russian National Committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP).
- 2007–2013 Member of EuroSEAS board (elected in Paris (2004), reelected in Naples (2007), Gothenburg (2010) and Lisbon (2013)).
- Since 2006 Member of NECAAS (Network of Centers of Asian and African Studies) in Europe.
- Since 2004 Member of International Committee on Vietnamese Studies (elected in Hochiminh city, reelected in 2008).
- Since 2002 Member of EuroViet board. Convenor of the V EuroViet International Conference on Vietnamese Studies “Modern Vietnam: Transitional Identities” in St. Petersburg, 28–30 May 2002, (165 participants from 15 countries). EuroViet — the conference held by European Association on Vietnamese Studies.
Research interests:
- Geopolitical Situation and Regional Security in Eurasia
- Security Architecture and current trends in Euraisa
- Economical and Political Transformation in East Asia in XXI century
- Conflict Management System
- Human Rights and Religious Freedom Issues in International Relations,
- Comparative analysis of American political and military involvement in Middle East, Central Asia and Southeast Asia (mainly Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam)
- Coup d’Etat — theory and practice
- Religious Factor in Vietnamese Political and Military History in Modern Time,
- Pacification Strategy of the French and U.S. in Vietnam,
- Religious-Political Situation in South Vietnam,
- Indochinese Wars (1946–1954, 1965–1975),
- New Religions and Regional Security
- History of Vietnam
- History of Cambodia
- Politico-economical and security situation in East Asia
- Modernisation in South East Asia
- Religious Sects in Vietnam
PhD students:
- Ekaterina Sidorova. A comparative analysis of the activities of missionaries of the Jesuit order in China and Vietnam on the example of Matteo Ricci and Alexander de Roda (late XVI — mid-XVII centuries). (2009–2012, degree obtained in 2012)
- Anastasia Pyleva. The history of the development of political relations between France and the Kingdom of Thailand (Siam) and its role in international relations at the present stage (2010–2013, degree obtained in 2012)
- Ekaterina Pugacheva. The phenomenon of military coups in the recent history of Thailand in the context of the system of national and regional security (XX-XXI centuries). (2010–2015, degree obtained in 2016)
Publications: 160, including 2 monographs
- Kolotov V. Analysis of Domestic Political and International Situations before and after the 12th Congress of the Communist party of Vietnam // Russian Scholars on Vietnam. Ed. by Vladimir Mazyrin and Evgeny Kobelev. Volume 2. Moscow: Forum Publishing, 2017. 312 p. ISBN 978–5-8199–0759–7. P. 60–72. (In English)
- Kolotov V. N. Việt Nam trong bối cảnh các cường quốc đấu tranh vì trật tự mới trong khu vực // VNU Journal of Science. Tạp chí Khoa hoc. Vietnam National University. Vol. 32.N 1S, 2016. Tr. 55–60. (In Vietnamese)
- Колотов В. Н. Евразийская дуга нестабильности: предварительные итоги 2016 г. // Евразийская дуга нестабильности и проблемы региональной безопасности от Восточной Азии до Северной Африки: итоги 2016 г. / Гл. ред. В. Н. Колотов. СПб.: СПбГУ, ИПК НП-Принт, 2017. С. 5–50. (833 c.)(The Eurasian Arc of Instability and the problems of regional Security from East Asia to North Africa: the results of 2016. St. Petersburg: NP-Print, 2017. 833 p.) (In Russian)
- Kolotov V. The Conflict Management System in South Vietnam during the First and Second Indochina Wars // Ethnic and Religious Politics in Vietnam. Universität Hamburg: Hamburger Südostasienstudien. Thomas Engelbert (ed). Band 12, 2015. P. 51–80. (In English)
- Kolotov V. The East Asian Arc of Instability and the Geopolitical Dimension of the Territorial Dispute in the South China Sea // Security and Cooperation in the South China Sea. М.: Наука. Издательство Российской академии наук, 2014. Р. 72–83. (In English)
- [ 俄 ] В. Н. 科洛托夫 庞昌伟. 欧亚动荡弧形带是一体化主要的地缘政治威胁 //《俄罗斯学刊》2016年第3期 (总第33期). 页 49–54. (In Chinese)
- Колотов В. Н. Технологии использования религиозного фактора в управляемых локальных конфликтах: Южный Вьетнам в период колонизации и индокитайских войн (вторая четверть XVII — третья четверть XX вв.) СПб.: НП-Принт, 2013. (684 с.) Kolotov V. N. Technologies for using the religious factor in local controlled conflicts: South Vietnam during the colonization and Indochina wars (second quarter of the XVIIth — third quarter of the XXth century. St. Petersburg: NP-Print, 2013. 684 p.) (In Russian)
- Колотов В. Н. Евразийская дуга нестабильности: история формирования, современное состояние и перспективы на будущее // Евразийская дуга нестабильности и проблемы региональной безопасности от Восточной Азии до Северной Африки / Отв. ред. В. Н. Колотов. СПб.: НП-Принт, 2013. С. 28–89. (576 с.) (In Russian) The Eurasian Arc of Instability and the problems of regional Security from East Asia to North Africa. St. Petersburg: NP-Print, 2013. 576 p. (2013) (In Russian)
- Колотов В. Н. Восточноазиатская дуга нестабильности как основной элемент системы региональной безопасности // Актуальные проблемы региональной безопасности современной Азии и Африки / Отв. ред. В. Н. Колотов. СПб.: НП-Принт, 2013. С. 58–76. (780 c.) (In Russian) Topical Issues of Regional Security in Asia and Africa. St. Petersburg: NP-Print, 2013. 780 p. (In Russian)
- The main trends of political and economical development of contemporary Asia and Asia. St. Petersburg: NP-Print, 2012. 368 p. (In Russian)
- Kolotov V. N. Religious factor and regional security // Traditional and New religions in changing Eurasia and Africa: history and the present. St. Petersburg: РХГА, 2011. 319 p. (In Russian)
- Kolotov V. N. Ethno-religious communities in Vietnam in the context of the regional security system: history and modernity // The Problems of Contemporary Asia: History, Conflicts, Geopolitics. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University, 2009. 251 p. (In Russian)
- Kolotov V. N. Russia’s Views of the Security Situation in East Asia // Brookings East Asia Commentary. Number 61, September 2012.
- Kolotov V. Main Trends of Russia’s Foreign Policy in Transforming East and Southeast Asia // Brookings East Asia Commentary. 2008. Number 18.