Smirnova Ekaterina V.
Associate Professor

- St.Petersburg
- 199034
- Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11, Office 20
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- 2007-2010: PhD Programme in Asian and African History, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU. D. Thesis: «Chatrapati Shivaji. Foundation of the Maratha kingdom».
- 2002-2004: M.A. in History and Politics, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St.Petersburg State University. M.A. Dissertation: «Activity of the founder of the independent Maratha States Chhatrapati Shivaji».
- 1997-2002: B.A. in History, St.Petersburg State University. Diploma: «Madho Rao I. Revival of the Maratha state (1763-1772)».
Additional courses:
- 2000-2001: Central Institute of Hindi, Agra, India.
- Russian (native),
- English,
- Hindi,
- Marathi
Research interests:
- History and ethnography of India;
- Political and socio-economical development of India;
- Indo-Russian cultural and political communications;
- History of Maharashtra;
- History of Bangladesh
- History of India
- Geography of India
- Culture and ethnography of India
- Social, Political and Economic System of Bangladesh
- Main Stages of the History of South India
- Tribes of India
- History and Problems of Interreligious tensions in India
- Hindi
- Marathi
Publications: 22, monographs — 5.
Smirnova E. V. Gujral Inder Kumar // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 383-384 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Hindutva as the basis of the state ideology of India // the Second scientific-practical conference “Power and violence in non-Western societies: actual problems of research”. Moscow, 2016. P. 154-155 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Giri Varahgiri Venkata // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 101 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. The Gujaratis // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 383 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. The Gurkhas // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 405 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Chittaranjan Das // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5, P.485 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Desai Morarji // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 582-583 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Hindutva in modern Indian politics // Modern trends in the development of science and technology. Moscow, 2015. No. 6, CH. VI. P. 82-88 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Religion and political technology in India // Historical, philosophical, political and law Sciences, Culturology and Study of art. Issues of theory and practice. Tambov, 2015. № 12 (62), part 1. P. 189-195 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Image of Chhatrapati Shivaji in socio-political life of Maharashtra // Historical, philosophical, political and law Sciences, Culturology and Study of art. Issues of theory and practice. Tambov, 2014. T. 7 (45), No. 2. 220 p., P.176-179 (in Russian)
The policy of secularism in India. The problem of religious radicalism. Smirnova E. V. // Eurasian arc of instability and security problems in the region from East Asia to North Africa. SPb, 2013. 576 p.. P. 388-407. (in Russian)
The development of strategic cooperation between India and the US, China and Russia in the early twenty-first century. The balance of power. Smirnova E. V. // Actual problems of regional security in contemporary Asia and Africa. SPb., 2013. 779 p.. P. 663-676 (in Russian)
Hindu and Muslim political parties in India: history and problems of inter-confessional conflict. Smirnova E. V. // Main trends of political and economic development of the countries of modern Asia and Africa. SPb., 2011. 368. P. 132-148 (in Russian)
India and Russia. Smirnova E. V. // Russia and the Orient: the phenomenology of interaction and identification in modern times. SPb., 2011. 392. P. 232-244 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. History of foundation of the Maratha state. SPb., 2010. 47 p. (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Shivaji Bhonsle and foundation of the Maratha state. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. 208 p. (in Russian)
Kostina E. A., Smirnova E. V. Study of “real” Indian languages and literature in Saint-Petersburg // St. Petersburg- India. History and modern. SPb., 2009. P. 170-195 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. British and Indian historiography on basis of the independent Maratha state // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University, Ser 9, SPb., 2007. No. 3, part 2. P. 313-317 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Period of reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji in the light of Indian historiography // Kjunar’s reading (2001-2004) SPb., 2005. P. 145-148 (in Russian)
Smirnova E. V. Basic stages of the creation of Independent Maratha States // Kjunar’s reading (2001-2004) SPb., 2005. P. 139-144 (in Russian)
South Asian segment of instability arc. India. Foreign policy strategy. Smirnova E. V.// Eurasian arc of instability and security problems in the region from East Asia to North Africa: results 2016 SPb., 2017. 832 p.. P. 520-535 (in Russian)
- Subhash Bhende. Point. The pilgrims // «Look at me!» Anthology of Indian short stories of the 2nd part of XX century. SPb., 2013. 243 p. (in Russian)