International conference “Japan XXI Nova: Era and Century”
The Department of Japanology of Saint Petersburg State University invites you to participate in the International conference “Japan XXI Nova: Era and Century” to be held on the 9th and 10th of October 2020.
Due to the current situation, we suppose the symposium includes personal attendance as well as a variety of on-line report by means of Skype etc.
Conference Panels:
- Linguistics and Literature;
- History and Culture;
- Economics and Politics.
Location: Department of Japanology, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, 199034, Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11).
Working languages of the conference: Russian, Japanese, English.
Applications and Materials accept: till July 31, 2020 inclusive. Applications and texts for publication are accepted in Russian, Japanese or English (overall no more than 20.000 symbols / 5.000 Japanese characters including space characters (approximately, 7-10 pages) in *.doc format; footnote references, 12 pt, font Times New Roman, line-to-line spacing 1,5). Texts in a few pages are applicable too (no editorial board provided; being accepted, author’s papers will be issued as is).
E-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The participants will be notified on material acceptance for publication up to September 1, 2020, by E-mail. The proposed author’s materials compile the printed “Issues of Japanology. Number 8” (St.-Petersburg State Univ. Monograph series); to be published prior to the conference opening (supposed to be registered in RSCI = Russian Science Citation Index).
Our apologies for having no funds to cover any expenses related to the conference participation (accommodation, travel fees etc.).
Please indicate the following information in the application form:
- Full name;
- Academic degree and title (if any);
- Position and full name of institution with address and postcode (to indicate affiliation when publishing the monograph; participation of independent researchers without affiliation will also be appreciated);
- E-mail;
- Additional data.
In case of need for Russian Visa Application (means – The Invitation Letter from our University), we kindly request you to inform us in advance.
- Category: Conferences
- Hits: 2522