XXXIII Kononov Readings
Information Letter
Dear colleagues!
The Department of Turkic Philology, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St. Petersburg State University is inviting you to participate in the International scientific conference «XXXIII Kononov Readings» which will take place on the 26-27th of October 2018.
The annual conference «Kononov Readings» have been held at the Department of Turkic Philology since 1986 and are dedicated to the outstanding Russian turkologist, Academician Andrei Nikolayevich Kononov (1906-1986). Reports cover different issues of formation and development of languages, linguistic structure, history, culture, ethnography and literature of Turkic peoples in the past and at present. Working languages: Russian, English, Turkish.
The conference will include the following panels:
- Issues of Turkic research in the context of traditional and modern science directions.
- Literature, culture and folklore of the Turkic peoples.
- Languages of the Turkic peoples.
- History, source studies and historiography of the Turkic peoples.
- «Young turcologist» panel (for bachelor and master students).
Please send applications for participation in the conference and topics of reports (speeches) to the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (deadline is May 1, 2018). Application form: Name (full name), title of the report (speeches), organization (institution), position, academic title and degree, address of the organization, e-mail.
Abstracts and/or texts of reports (speeches) should be sent no later than September 1, 2018 to the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select the material for publication. Materials provided late or formatted with deviations from the requirements for publication will not be accepted.
Travel expenses, expenses for accommodation, participation in the conference are borne by the sending institutions or by the participant in the conference.
For more information see the Department of Turkic Philology website:
Submission of abstracts and/or texts of reports.
The text must meet the following requirements:
- The title and author's name in Russian and English.
- Pages should be numbered sequentially. The page number is indicated at the bottom of the page and centered.
- Page Setup - A4, margins for all sides - 2 cm, orientation - portrait.
- Font - Times New Roman (14 pt), line spacing – 1,5 lines, indent - 1 cm.
- Non-standard fonts should be attached to the abstracts/reports.
- The author's surname (with initials in front) should be in italic, placed before the title and aligned to the right margin.
- The title should be in bold capital letters and centered.
- The link should be in the text in square brackets; For example: [Ivanov 1975: 35]; If necessary, footnotes should be in the form of an upper index and have end-to-end numbering throughout the text.
- Bibliography is given at the end and is made in accordance with the following example: Ivanov 1975 - Ivanov S. N. The course of Turkish grammar, Part 1. Grammatical categories of the noun, Leningrad, 1975. 100 p.
- Approximate size: abstracts - no more than 4 000 characters
- report – no more than 20 000 characters
The material must be arranged as follows:
- Name in Russian
- Text in Russian
- Literature
- Abstract in Russian
- Keywords in Russian
- Title in English
- Abstract in English
- Key words in English
- Information about the author(s) in Russian
- Information about the author(s) in English
- Category: Conferences
- Hits: 3438